World Languages


Thematic Units of Study:  All units include related grammar, vocabulary and culture

  1. O Mundo Lusófuno—Portuguese Speaking World

  2. Olá!—Hello

  • Quem é?—Who is it?

  1. Na Escola—At School

  2. Passatempos e Actividades Nos Tempos Livres—Pastime Activities

  3. O Lar, A Casa e A Família (Home and Family)



Thematic Units of Study:  All units include related grammar, vocabulary and culture

  1. ¡Hola!—Hello!

  2. Un Rato con los Amigos—Time with Friends

  • ¡Vamos a la Escuela!—Let’s Go to School

  1. Comer en Familia—Eating with the Family

  2. En el Centro—Downtown

  3. Los Deportes—Sports

Links to Modern Language Presentations

Speaking Spanish & Portuguese is as Easy as 1,2,3

Learn Portuguese PowerPoint